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We Want You... To Volunteer For State Speech

Writer's picture: Riley JohnsonRiley Johnson

Are you a stressed junior/senior failing COMP—needing some extra credit? Are you in need of some volunteer hours? Are you stuck in North Scott while all of your friends are off on vacation? Well, do I have the opportunity for you: volunteering at the State Speech Competition!

This year—on March 15—North Scott is hosting the Individual Speech State Competition, right here in these very halls. Volunteering for this event opens up the wonderful opportunity of supporting North Scott’s Speech team and getting to witness the talent of Speech students from across the Southeast region of Iowa!

Fill out this volunteer form to commit to a day—or half day—of volunteering and supporting the North Scott Speech team! 

Volunteer opportunities vary, stretching from welcome/donation collection, parking, hallway supervision, food service, and more! For those wanting to supervise the events themselves, the room chair and timer grant you the opportunity to be in the competition room! Observing as each student presents their practiced speech to three judges. 

If you’re currently enrolled in COMP, Sambdman and Chapman are offering up extra credit points for your participation in this event! The day is split into two, granting the ability to choose from an earlier volunteer session or a later one. You get a credit for a half-day, so you can earn two credits from volunteering the full day!

Once you submit the form, Head Speech Coach Emily Hintze will email you, supplying you with further details. You’ll even get a free T-shirt for your service!

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