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The Reality of Partying In High School

Every year, 17% of all fatal drunk driving accidents are caused by underage drinkers, despite only 10% of drunk drivers being under the age of 21. Just this past weekend, Liberty High School lost yet another student and this time to a car accident leaving one student dead and the other hospitalized. Trevor Burrows was one of the 1,800 teens that will be killed this year in a drunk driving accident.

Trevor Burrows

With prom just around the corner, it is important to remember the dangers of driving under the influence. Jacob Cohen, the student hospitalized, got his senior prom taken from him. He will be on bed rest for close to a month; however, doctors are hopeful he will be able to walk for graduation. Trevor got his entire life taken from him and his friends and family are left to live their lives without him. Trevor and Jacob were lucky not to take someone else's life, but this, still a tragedy, could have been prevented. The people Trevor left behind will forever have an empty hole in their hearts. Don’t let this be you and certainly do not do this to your friends, family, and all of the people around you.

Pictured: Jacob, Megan, Trevor, Drew, Max

Trevor was a free spirit. He lived life on the edge always and there was never a dull moment when he was around. I will never forget the last time I got to see his smile and how much he made fun of me after destroying me in “forest pong,” On Friday, April 7, hours prior to the accident, we were laughing, singing, dancing, and of course, partying with Trevor and Jacob. No one knew that this was the last night we’d ever spend with Trevor. We are unsure as to why Trevor and Jacob decided to leave that night, but regardless we lost a beautiful soul and there are many more left to heal.

With that being said, think again before you get behind the wheel, and consider the risk. Who is going to hurt the most? Who are you leaving behind? Who are you putting in danger? Is it worth it? Not only that but what if you get pulled over, serving time, losing your license, or paying a fine for an OWI. Is it worth it?

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