Taking a walk through the Eldridge area means you will for sure see many small businesses. Eldridge basically runs on small businesses. So I decided to highlight and talk about one of those many small businesses, starting with MEN-Tality barbershop. MEN-Tality is owned by Bethany Reed and located on 211 W. Franklin Street right here in Eldridge. They provide great haircuts and an even better atmosphere for just 10 dollars. Everyone of the barbers are very knowledgeable and are sure to get you looking right.
They provide great haircuts and an even better atmosphere for just 10 dollars.
I got the chance to interview Bethany and ask her a couple of questions. These are the questions I asked and the answers she provided
Q- What is your favorite part of owning a small business? What's your least favorite thing?
A- My favorite part of owning a small business is being my own boss and having the freedom to make the decisions that guide how my business is run. My least favorite part is going to contradict part of my favorite part, but that is because responsibility is double sided. I get to make the decisions that guide my business, but I also have the stress of making sure I’m making the “right” decisions.
Q- Growing up, did you know you wanted to own a business?
A- Growing up I was always involved in community projects and found myself in leadership roles. So looking back, it makes sense that I lead a business now. When I was a kid I just wanted to be creative, as I got older my path took some twists and turns. When I got into this industry is when I knew I wanted to own my own business. The opportunity to purchase MEN-Tality came about while I was working here, and now I’ve been the owner since 2018!
Q- What is some advice you would give to high school students who want to run their own business in the future?
A- Owning a business/working for yourself means just that, WORKING. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort to fulfill your own dreams and make things possible.
With all that being said, I just want to remind everyone to SHOP LOCAL. These local businesses need your money way more than big corporations. Thank you!