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Powder Buff is BACK!

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

Have you ever thought about playing volleyball for fun, and are indeed a male? On Monday, March 7, Powder Buff is back and better than ever. It is a quite simple concept: boys playing volleyball. I have played volleyball competitively for many years, and as a male, there are not many opportunities to play. Thankfully, this event allows guys that opportunity.

All you need is a group of 6-8 guys and one or two male or female coaches. It’s truly an awesome experience, and as someone who participated the last time we had it, Powder Buff is a boatload of fun. Sign up using this form, and turn it in to Mrs. Sambdman in room C10 before the deadline of 12:45 on February 25th. If you cannot participate, be sure to come out and watch in the Aux Gym. All proceeds go to the Student Hunger Drive. It is truly a great time and I hope to see many familiar faces on the court and in the stands.

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