Looking for a new show to binge watch over spring break? A Real Bug’s Life is the perfect series to try out!

Growing up, many of us likely watched the classic 1998 Disney and Pixar film, A Bug’s Life. This movie was a favorite of mine; the hardships and adventures of the bugs beneath my feet was instantly enticing to me as a child. In 2024, Disney+ and National Geographic released a new, original series: A Real Bug’s Life. Being a fan of the original Pixar movie, I was immediately interested!
A Real Bug’s Life, narrated by Golden Globe Award winner Awkwafina, follows the adventures within the unique worlds of bugs, where nature's forces unfold on a miniature scale and tiny creatures depend on unique powers and alliances to survive. This series has two seasons, each containing five 30 minute episodes. These episodes are the perfect length, to where they are able to have in depth story lines with each of the bugs, without feeling too long or drawn out like the commitment of some 45 minute shows.
Arguably, my favorite part of this show, besides the fascinating and investing story lines, is the filming of the show itself. This show closely follows the lives of bugs — and I mean closely. Most scenes are shot at the level of the bug’s perspectives, some scenes even coming from the first hand perspective of the bugs. This unique style of film makes the show so interesting to watch. As humans, we can’t truly understand the sheer size of everyday objects when seeing them from a bug’s perspective. This new view on life immediately hooks in viewers. This unique style of film uses cutting edge camera technology to capture these scenes, as well as some CGI to create this ultra realistic and personal imagery.

Disney’s website explains that the series is “[a]rmed with cutting-edge filming technology — including motion-controlled cameras, ultra high-speed lenses, macro filming, photogrammetry, probe and microscope lenses, racing first-person drones and ultra high-speed cameras — the series captures astonishingly precise shots of creatures on an incredibly small scale, revealing never-before-filmed behaviors and larger-than-life traits.”
At the end of each episode, CGI is credited with some of the animation in the scenes; however, it is clear that Disney does not solely rely on CGI for the show. The film makers cleverly intertwine real footage with CGI so flawlessly that it is oftentimes hard to determine which is which. The enhancement of the use of CGI boosts the show and makes it so much more personal as a viewer. Maybe I’m just gullible, but the CGI was so well done that it took me about three episodes to even realize that CGI was being used!

Each episode closely follows the lives of two different bugs in a unique environment. My personal favorite episode is S1 E5, Land of Giants. This episode takes place on the African savanna and follows the lives of a dung beetle and an acacia ant. Throughout this episode, you follow a dung beetle who is new to the savanna and is trying to learn how to roll with things, literally! You also follow the story of an acacia ant, who is on the final leg of her short life as she is carrying her sister’s egg on a long and treacherous journey across the savanna in what will be the final accomplishment of her life. Silly as it sounds, this episode had me on the edge of my seat — I was so emotionally invested!

Another stand out episode for me is S1 E2, Welcome to the Jungle. This episode takes place in the jungles of Costa Rica and follows the lives of a leaf cutter ant and an orchid bee. While the storyline of the leaf cutter ant was super fascinating, the orchid bee was the stand out bug in this episode for me. Orchid bees have quickly become a new hyperfixation of mine. The unique lives and practices of these small insect perfumiers are so unique from their other bee relatives and something that I had never heard of before this episode. If you are interested in learning more about these fascinating insects, you should definitely check out this episode!

While I’d love to sit here and tell you about each and every episode, I definitely don’t want to spoil the magic of the series for those who are planning to check it out! Some people are immediately turned off to this show because they "don't like bugs." Understandable as that is, I encourage you to set aside your preconceived notions about bugs and see their life from a new perspective. So whether you are interested in the life of bugs, or maybe just looking for a new series, I’d wholeheartedly recommend you check out A Real Bug’s Life.