In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. --Albert Einstein
How Stressful is School for Students
School. It's a place some people dread or fear, while for others it gives meaning to everyday lives and helps shape the personalities and futures of its students. One thing is for certain though, it sure can be stressful! We decided to discover in what ways school affects students through stress. And at the end of it all, whether it be the overall environment or the coursework itself that affects students the most; We will give some useful information to help combat it.
In our survey, “How Stressful is School,” we asked a few questions regarding students' stress levels. With 40+ students responding to our questionnaire, we have a lot of variety in responses. As for our first question, we asked how much the social aspect of school affects students' stress levels.
On average, students put about 5.5/10 stars for our first question about the social aspect of school. While there were mixed responses, we saw a lot of similar themes and aspects! For example, a LOT of students felt stressed about walking in the halls, presenting projects, and even doing simple things such as raising their hands.
All responses are anonymous
For our second question, we asked how much schoolwork affected students. Understandably, the average rating was higher at about 6/10. With 20 people rating it a 7 or higher, it's clear this is the main factor of stress and it makes sense. This is the main reason why students go to school and is the “hardest part.” Now, as for responses, it was quite varied! For example, this student is taking advanced classes so notably they’d have more work.
But in contrast, many students don't care as much about grades, so it doesn't stress them as much.
There were also mentions of extracurricular activities and jobs that heavily affected them in terms of balancing everything.
Now for our 3rd question, we asked if waking up for school added stress to students' nights/mornings. Understandably, 56% of students said yes, it did add stress. The responses that agreed with the question usually had responses such as:
The people responding “No” simply said it adds no stress, or they didn't even have stress from school at all!
Now, for our final question, we asked how teachers add stress to students' days.
Luckily, this was the lowest average at about 4.6/10. Many students rejoiced at the fact that teachers are very nice and helpful when questions need answers.
While many students responded positively. There are some students who are angry/stressed about the workload or the pace the teacher moves at.
Overall, this was a very insightful survey. Stress can be hard to combat and prevent. Each weekday, students are expected to wake up at a certain time and get to class at a strict time, which can cause pressure and stress for students. Students also have to do their schoolwork in a social environment, which may be uncomfortable for some students. To combat or prevent these stressors, students could exercise, or go on walks outside. Taking deep breaths and staying calm is a great way to ease stress as well. Stress is hard to prevent and is even harder to challenge when facing stress, but remembering to stay calm and think positively will help remove or avoid stress.
All students have different stress levels and are affected differently by stress. Some students absorb more stress in the social aspects of school and some students absorb more stress in the school environment and schoolwork given. If you are affected by damaging stress, please talk to a person you trust, a counselor maybe, someone who will get you the correct help you need.