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Catch "Anything Goes" Before IT Goes!

(Right to left) Anna Harris, Lauren Pawloski, Ava Hagedorn, Chloe Schwab, Annika Foit, Rachel Sorensen, Ellanore Young

As you may have heard, North Scott Lancer Productions is performing their rendition of Anything Goes for this year's spring musical. Shows started this past weekend from Friday April 21st to Sunday April 23rd. Thankfully, we don't have to say goodbye to the production just yet. This weekend, April 28th through April 30th, LP is performing another three shows for your viewing pleasure. You may be wondering, "What's the big fuss about Anything Goes? Isn't it just sailors and stuff?" Well, I am here to tell you all about the true wonder that is Anything Goes, because it is an overall masterpiece.

Michael Kintigh provides a great summary of the musical: "Anything Goes is set aboard the ocean liner S. S. American, where nightclub singer/evangelist Reno Sweeney [Chloe Schwab] is en route from New York to England. Her pal Billy Crocker [Keaton Braack] has stowed away to be near his love, Hope Harcourt [Hannah Noonan], but the problem is Hope is engaged to the wealthy Lord Evelyn Oakleigh [Thomas McCarthy]. Joining this love triangle on board the luxury liner are Public Enemy #13, Moonface Martin [Isaiah Serrano] and his sidekick-in-crime Erma [Grace Hamann]. With the help of some elaborate disguises, tap-dancing sailors and good old-fashioned blackmail, Reno and Martin join forces to help Billy in his quest to win Hope’s heart."

Grace Hamann

However, this summary doesn't do nearly enough justice for the production. It sounds pretty epic now, but it's even more spectacular when you see it in the audience. It has everything! Romance, comedy, and crime all happen at once... and on a boat! It is actually super freaking cool. The musical is set in the 1930s and 40s era, the time of victory curls, understated makeup, and regality. The team does such a good job converting to the time period that you might just find yourself forgetting which decade you're in!

Hannah Noonan and Keaton Braack

The performers have been rehearsing since January, and it has definitely paid off. Their hard work is seen through their flawless performance every night. The actors are amazing, but many people don't see the effort put in behind the scenes. Who builds the set? Who controls the mics and sound? Who works the lights? Who does marketing and advertising? Who does the hair, makeup, costumes, and props? There is SO much that goes into a show that no one knows about!

"Everyone will be surprised to see our students become someone completely new, and show off talent you didn't know they had!!" - Grace Hamann [Erma]

Hannah Noonan

I was too chicken to audition for a musical, because I can't sing or dance - it was a pretty lousy excuse. After watching LP perform Anything Goes, I really wished I would've just gone for it. The production incorporates performers of all skill levels, and everything runs without a problem. No one would ever be able to tell that a third of the cast are freshmen! There is so much talent within this show, I can't even begin to describe it.

Another important reason to see the show is to support the many seniors whose last show of their high school career is Anything Goes. In the cast, there is Grace Hamann, Rachel Sorensen, Ellanore Young, Ava Hagedorn, Michael Kintigh, Avala Faber, Chloe Schwab, Rose Burklow, Ryan Pilcher, Avery Kelly, Annika Foit, Hailey Cox, and Keaton Braack. And that's just in the cast! This group of kids have shown tremendous dedication to the troupe and deserve all the recognition we can offer. It is important to show our support of their future endeavors and congratulate them on a job well done.

Thomas McCarthy and Chloe Schwab

So what are you waiting for?! Grab a ticket now before they're all gone!

P.S. if you go on Friday or Saturday, YOU GET FOOD!!! Seeya there:)

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